Friday Favs

Happy Friday, y’all! Today I have not five but SIX Favs for ya! If you didn’t see my post on Wednesday, go check it out, I shared 10 Fall Decor Items for Under $100 to get your home ready for the season. I can’t wait to have some more seasonal content to share in the upcoming months but for now let’s get into my Favs of the week!

  1. One of my favorite blogs, Blue and White Home, shared a gorgeous apartment by Summer Thorton earlier this week. This Chicago apartment is an “oldie but a goodie” and it is oh, so good. It’s full of color, pattern, and of course, blue & white!

  2. Y’all know how much I love Veranda, it’s one of my favorite sources for inspiration. I love this Neoclassical Home Tour, it’s timeless and intricate, and definitely worth the read.

  3. Marian McEvoy’s Home Tour in Better Homes & Gardens is nothing short of stunning. She is a Paris Fashion Editor and used to be the Editor in Chief of House Beautiful and Elle Decor, so, as you can imagine how gorgeous her home is. The detail and creative energy in the space is unmatched!

  4. These totes have been out for a few months but I just discovered them this week! These House Beautiful totes are around $25 on Society 6 and have a variety of different magazine covers from 1929 to the present. So cool!

  5. This may be a guilty pleasure, but I love seeing Interior Designer’s offices. I love seeing a “behind the scenes” look of where the magic happens. Brooke Chamblee’s Office was featured on Emily Clark’s blog this week and I couldn’t get enough! Brooke converted her attic into her home office and it’s fabulous!

  6. I love Showhouses and being able to see a various designers and their styles come together to create a cohesive home. The Cashier’s Showhouse that was featured in in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle is no exception.

There’s always Something to Style Over!

xx, Lea

Friday FavsLea BurtonComment